Acne is what happens when your pores become clogged with oil, dirt, or dead skin cells. Now, some people can swear that they had never had acne all their lives while there are people who had never had a day in their lives when they had a bright face, free from acne. Having acne can be very embarrassing, and you most times, find yourself wanting to scrub it all away in anger. Sometimes, it feels as though acne is a permanent untreatable situation because it can be pretty persistent, having one pimple pop out just after you have said goodbye to another.
Yes, it is very frustrating, but the first thing you should realise about acne is that it is very treatable, and can be managed.
The first step to managing it is finding out why you have it in the first place.
In this article, we would like to share with you four possible reasons why you are having acne attack on your face.
- Diet:
We have said it in some other articles, but it is worth mentioning again. If your diet contains too much processed sugar, you might be at risk of acne. Sugar when in the body increases your insulin levels which in turn can cause inflammations that eventually manifest as acne on your face. So going forward, you might want to slow down on sugar intake if you’re going to save your face from acne.
- Your soap has too much lather:
When you use a soap with too much lather, you end up stripping your skin of its natural oils, more importantly, you offset its ph balance. When this happens, your skin goes into overdrive, producing more oil than it’s supposed to leading to acne. So learn to avoid soaps of this kind.
- Your Hormones:
There is not much that can be done to stop this because your body has a mind of its own, but you can manage them when they come out. Sometimes ache appear as a result of hormonal imbalance, and they disappear as soon as balance is restored. When there is a hormone imbalance in your body either due to menstruation, pregnancy or contraceptives, it may affect the oil-producing hormone and spur it to produce more oil than necessary; hence, the acne. You can only manage this situation, not stop it.
- The Product Used:
Some skin products have ingredients in them that your body reacts negatively to. One of the adverse reactions appear in the form of acne. Most times, you will realise, the acne disappear after you stop using the skin products. In situations like this, it is advisable to work with a dermatologist to figure out the products that best suit your skin type.
When you are stuck with ache, we would advise that you don’t give up on yourself. Acnes can still be treated and managed, and one great way to deal with it is by using our Anti-Acne Cooling Mask. Contact us today to get you started.